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What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a method of manual care aimed at diagnosing and treating many functional disorders. It is also useful in preventive therapy. It is a philosophical and therapeutic concept, taking the individual as a whole.

Any loss of mobility in joints, muscles, ligaments, or viscera can cause an imbalance in the state of health. Osteopathy is based on the body's ability to balance itself and on a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Who is this for?

I take care of people of all ages: from the newborn to the elderly, people with reduced mobility, sportsmen and women, pregnant women...

Why consult an osteopath?

In accompaniment and prevention

  • Pregnancy and postpartum care
  • Supporting the aftermath of surgery
  • Support for orthodontic treatment
  • Assistance with orthopedic treatments in childhood and adolescence (clubfoot, congenital torticollis, scoliosis, kyphosis)

In treatment and prevention

  • Osteoarticular disorders: neck pain, torticollis, lumbago, intercostal pain, neuralgia, sprains, tendonitis, mechanical headaches, etc.
  • Visceral disorders: digestive (stomach ache, constipation, diarrhoea...), ENT and respiratory (prevention of sinusitis, repeated ear infections, functional dizziness...), cardiovascular (idiopathic palpitation, of non-medical origin), urinary (repeated urinary infection without bacterial cause, non-functional prostatic disorder) and genital (menstrual pain and disorders of all gynaecological types).
  • Neurovegetative system disorder (hyperactivity, sleep disorder, certain digestive disorders, headaches, tension, anxiety, stress)
  • As a consequence of physical shocks (fall, car or road accident, sports accident ...)
  • Somato-emotional support following difficult periods in life.

The Principals of Osteopathy

The principles were enunciated by its founding father, Andrew Still Taylor in the 19th century:

The body is a whole: the care is taken in the whole body. All the structures communicate with each other, thus interacting and adapting to external demands. For example, a shock to the knee can have painful repercussions on the ankle or lumbar region, without there being any discomfort or pain in the knee itself.

Structure governs function and vice versa : In fact, the structure is roughly an "anatomy", "frame" and function is the role of each element in the body. To illustrate this, muscle is the structure and muscle contraction is the function of the muscle. If the structure is altered, it performs its function less well. Conversely, the altered function can block or impact the structure.

Therefore, if a muscle is altered, it will be less able to fulfill its contraction capacities. Otherwise, a muscle contracted excessively over the long term damages the very structure of the muscle, preventing it from circulating properly.

Self-healing : "The body is the pharmacy of God", a quote from Still, in other words, the body has everything it needs to be self-sufficient and to heal without chemical or other external intervention. The osteopath helps the patient to heal himself by activating the patient's self-healing abilities.

The essential artery : If the blood circulates well, as well as all the fluids in the body, all the tissues have what they need to stay healthy.

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